Interviewing Tips
Effective Research And Data Collection
As you begin your research think about the following:
  1. What should you check out prior to interview?
  2. What do you need to know about the company?
  3. What should you leave for the interview so you use the opportunity to ask a pertinent question?

Use this checklist to assist you as you begin the process of collecting information:

  1. How long has the company been in existence?
  2. What is its current position? How is it performing?
  3. What are its products or services?
  4. What are its future plans?
  5. Who owns it?
  6. PLC, Private, Partnership etc, what is its status?
  7. Are there plans for it to be floated on the Stock Exchange?
  8. Does it have subsidiaries and if so where are they located?
  9. What market share does it currently have versus the competition?
  10. How many staff does it employ?
  11. Are there plans for expansion?
  12. What is the staff turnover rate?
  13. What assets does it have?
  14. What is its organizational structure?
  15. Where does its funding come from?
  16. Who are the key members of the organization?
  17. Gather some operations details.

While this list is not exhaustive, it will give you a starting point.