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Posted: Friday 21 September, 2018 at 10:46 AM

Douglas: “People must hold their leadership accountable”

By: Erasmus Williams, Press Release

    Basseterre, St. Kitts, September 19, 2018 - Leader of the Opposition in St. Kitts and Nevis, the Right Hon. R. Denzil L. Douglas says the twin-island is under threat and the people must hold its leadership accountable.


    “The togetherness and solidarity of our people are made manifest, most formally and practically, in citizenship, which is the strongest bond that holds us together, now and forever. Citizenship is the highest office of the land, higher than that of Governor-General or Prime Minister. We should never take our role as citizens lightly as we are the driving force that would determine the direction and limits of our collective aspirations as a nation,” said Dr. Douglas in a national address to mark the 35th Anniversary of Independence on Wednesday.

    “It is for this reason that the people must hold leaders accountable. We must demand that our leaders uphold the highest standards of democracy, good governance, fairness, transparency, integrity and ethics since politics without principle is one of the biggest threats to peace, progress and prosperity,” said the former prime minister.

    The six-term Parliamentary Representative for St. Christopher 6 said it is vital that as a nation “we ought never to allow negativity and cynicism to overtake us either practically or figuratively.”

    “In rooting ourselves in the values and ethos of Love, Service, Patriotism and Pride it calls us to act in concert towards building the kind of society that we would be proud to deliver to future generations. In order to truly take pride in our country, we must be able to take pride in our leaders and we must all be expectant beneficiaries of the dividends and proceeds of the national prosperity agenda,” Dr. Douglas said.

    “On this auspicious Independence Anniversary let us all pledge to live by the principles enunciated in our national motto and our anthem. As we look to the future, let us all strive to ensure that our nation is truly built on the sure foundation of Love, Service, Patriotism and Pride,” said the former prime minister, who issued a call “ for a new beginning for all, irrespective of political affiliation, gender, race and creed.”

    “This country belongs to all of us,” the Leader of the Opposition concluded.


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