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Posted: Monday 16 March, 2020 at 2:58 PM

STEP to give support to trainees at Ade’s Place, says Director Emile Greene

Ms Clarice Cotton and Mr Emile Greene (standing on the right, front row) with some of the trainees at Ade’s Place
By: Peter Ngunjiri, Press Release

    BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, March 16, 2020 (S.T.E.P.) -- Ade’s Place, which is a safe haven for adults living with disabilities, is a unique training institution and Director of the Skills Training Empowerment Programme (STEP) Mr Emile Greene has promised as much support as possible to make the task easier for facilitators, trainees, and parents of the trainees.


    Mr Greene, formerly STEP’s Quality Assurance Coordinator/Consultant, made the remarks last week on Wednesday March 11 when he visited the Greenlands-based institution for the first time since he became STEP’s Director. He was met by Ms Clarice Cotton, a member of Ade’s Place Board of Directors. 
    “This visit is about learning more about Ade’s Place - I am new in the position as the Director,” said Mr Greene who succeeded STEP’s immediate former Director, the late Mr Wendell Wattley. “I know that Mr Wattley had passion for Ade’s Place - he spoke to me a lot about Ade’s Place. He supported craft made by Ade’s Place trainees and in his office on the wall was a flag of St. Kitts and Nevis that was made by the trainees.”
    Among Mr Wattley’s major accomplishments as the Director of STEP included the integration of persons living with disabilities into the government-sponsored national training programme, when trainees at Ade’s Place were in September 2017 taken on board as STEP trainees. 
    Mr Greene believes that the trainees at Ade’s Place should be given same opportunities like rest of the young persons to learn, learn skills, and practice skills, “and any support that Ade’s Place can get from STEP, then I think that is something I would like to make a strong case so that the persons here will be in a better position in respect to their activities.”
    Mr Greene added: “The trainees have challenges and so if we can provide as much support as possible and to make the task easier for facilitators, students and the parents then I think that would be a good cause to be involved in. It is a good cause from the point of view of the mandate of STEP - it is a good cause from the point of view that we are called to be our brother’s keeper, and as good Christians we must share the love.” 
    Ade’s Place Board Member Ms Clarice Cotton informed Mr Greene that five of their trainees have been exposed to job attachments. She thanked persons and organisations that have willingly accepted the trainees and given them the chance to work, noting that they would like to see a lot more trainees going out and learning how to work in business setting.
    Ms Cotton who introduced Mr Greene to the trainees and facilitators also told him of workshops that are shortly to be held for the facilitators, students and parents, and she also pointed out some areas of the building that needed repairs. 
    In response Mr Greene said that STEP will help in some of the activities, including organising some of the workshops for students and for the facilitators. 

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