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Posted: Monday 8 May, 2006 at 12:28 PM
NRP Communications Unit
    The Honourable Patrice Nisbett is the Federal representative for St James and St Thomas' Parishes in the National Assembly and the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly and the declared NRP candidate for the St James Constituency in the upcoming local elections.  He is a lawyer by profession and works with the prestigious Law Firm of Nisbetts on Chapel Street, Charlestown, Nevis. Ron Daniel sat down with this honourable gentleman at his office on Chapel Street to discuss his profession, why he chose to side with the NRP and what the people of St. James can expect from him if he wins the next elections among other things.
    Q:- You went into elective politics in 2000 when you were not yet 30.  Why did you choose to enter the political field at such a young age?
    A:- In a way I did not really choose.  I think in many ways I entered mainly because there were so many people in St James and outside St. James who were encouraging me to join the race.  More and more I heard the sentiments that the elected representative in St James could not deliver the goods and that I should enter the ring.  So I would not say I merely decided to enter the political field.  I feel like I was called by some very key people and I could not ignore the call of my constituents.  I may have been young yes but the Lord said he called the young because they are strong so I wanted the people of St James to get the best out of me while I was still strong.
    Q:- The possibility existed of joining the CCM or joining with others to form another party.  Why then did you choose to join the NRP?
    A:- The possibility probably existed on paper Ron but if one were to sit down and analyse which party one should join it wont be too long before one realizes that they should align with the only party that can bring peace, progress and prosperity.  I chose the NRP simply because of the character of people associated with the NRP and the principles for which it stood.  The NRP is a people centered party who believes that the development of a country can only occur with the development of the people.  The former leaders of the party are those that sacrificed their very livelihood to represent the people of Nevis.  The present candidates are people of integrity who are obsessed and passionate with making Nevis better.  The Leader of the NRP the Honourable Joseph Parry is a man of serious wisdom and foresight.  He brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in a number of fields and has always sought to keep certain standards.  He is always open to new ideas and allows all of us as candidates to express our views and bring new things to the table. NRP is by far the better party. 
    Q:-You ran against Minister Jean Harris in the 2001 local elections and lost.  Why is it that you have decided to contest again?
    A:- I think it was the late singer Aliyah who sang the song "If at first you don't succeed pick yourself up and try again."  So that is basically what I am doing.  I lost the election but it was my first time contesting the seat on a local level so after consultation with my constituents, some people very close to me and the executive arm of the party I decided to pick myself up and try again.  Politics is about self sacrifice so I decided to contest the seat again and represent the people who so desperately want a change in St James.  People call me all hours of the night giving me advice, encouraging words and proposing different strategies.  I also have many people praying for me and wishing me on. For me to simply walk away from politics and concentrate on my own life would be doing a disservice to these people. SO I am offering myself again, having learned from the experience and I am hoping the good people of ST James would see it fit to elect me.
    Q:- Can you briefly tell us about one or two programs that the people of St James' can look forward to if you are elected ?

    A:-.  Certainly Ron.  If I have to narrow it down to two I would speak of the plan I have to ensuring that economic opportunities in St James are taken advantage of firstly by the people of St James.  At my Town Hall Meeting in St James on November 3 2005, I spoke of the need to form a St James Parish Corporation which would be made up of business-minded people from St James.  They can organize themselves and build apartments for the students at the Medical University as well as capitalize on any other economic opportunities from the University or the airport.  The NRP Government would provide incentives to this corporation and would even guarantee or co-make the loan.  My government would provide the foundation for the corporation to grow and the corporation can then build itself. The benefits are three fold because it encourages the spirit of entrepreneurship, it ensures that money to be made in St James is made by St James people and it imbues a sense of pride in the villagers as to what can be accomplished when they work together.  Additionally I would like to see the price of land again be decreased for the dear people of St James.  The history of the world will teach us that land is power.  That is why the British and the other colonists fought so hard for the various islands in the Caribbean and around the world.  If one is to empower the people of St James a key aspect of that has to be the provision of land at significantly reduced prices.  The present government seems to want to be competing with private developers and as such are putting the land out of the reach of the ordinary man and the youth.  Government's role in the sale of land, is to have a deliberate plan to sell land below the market price to empower people with a piece of the rock.  This is a key component of NRP's Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) which will take place throughout the various parishes of the island and the people of ST James can be assured that they will get their share of TRULY affordable land.

    Q:-What type of representative will Patrice Nisbett be for the people of St James'? 
    A:- I personally would like to practice consultative governance.  I do not believe that I Patrice Nisbett has all the answers and so I intend to represent and govern with the help of my constituents.  I will establish a permanent constituency office in St James where people can come and see me at different times.  I also intend to have regular town hall meetings where the people of ST James can make their concerns known and ask any question they wish.  If I am ever elected it would be because of the people, so it is important for me to listen to the people moving forward.  A minister of government is supposed to be the servant of the people; one who is simply appointed by the people to do their task.  With this present administration it sometimes seems the other way around.  However with me as the representative for St James the people can be assured that I am first and foremost their servant and I must either represent their interests, or they have a right to kick me out.  I am a lawyer by profession so I know what it is to represent a person's interest and to represent them well.  I know if I go to court and I do not represent the interests of my clients well I will have no more clients.  SO it is the same with politics.
    Q:- In your town hall meeting on November 3rd 2005 at Dicks Bar, you mentioned reviving the pottery industry in St James if you are elected.  Can you tell us how you intend to do this?

    A:-.  Pottery is germane to the folk in St James and there are many people in St James who have built their houses out of pottery. The Pottery Industry has been allowed to whither away.  Our plan is to revive the industry for two main reasons; for economic reasons and to remind the younger people of our rich pottery history.  We will give the necessary assistance to ensure that the Pottery is a must stop for all taxi drivers.  Our aim is to also establish an outlet for the sale of Pottery in Town. This will broaden the economic impact of industry.  This too can be handled by the St James Corporation.  Pottery can still be a very profitable industry and for us to turn our back on it like the present administration is not only turning your back on an indelible aspect of our history but turning our back on gold itself.  Government's role is not to simply give people money but to provide the framework and create avenues for people to make money.  The reviving of the ST James' Pottery is one such opportunity for the people of St James to make money.

    Q: I would imagine that as a politician you would have had many ups and downs over the past six years.  Can you tell us of one of the highpoints of your political career?
    A:- I would have to say winning the Federal Elections for the St James/St Thomas' seat in March 2000.  It was expected to be a safe seat for the NRP as it was a seat that our Party Leader Joseph Parry had previously won very handsomely.  However I take the votes of the people very seriously and to have so many people vote for me was a humbling experience.  The people could have said that they will vote for Mr. Parry but not for me, but that didn't happen and for that I am truly grateful and humbled.  It is not easy to put yourself up for public office and to win the seat was truly humbling more than anything else.
    Q:- How long have you been practicing law and why did you choose to become a lawyer?

    A:- I was actually called to the Bar almost some eleven years ago in November of 1995.  My decision to go into law was motivated mainly by my desire to help people and to represent the less advantaged in my community.  Growing up I would have seen many incidences of wrong whereby people didn't get justice because of one reason or another.  My entry into the field of law was my quest to change that.  I have been known as the poor man's lawyer because of the cases I do.  I am always at Magistrate Court trying to advocate on the behalf of the ordinary man.  I like to work for people and represent them to the best of my ability with integrity at the heart of all my dealings.

    Q:- How do you balance being a full time lawyer in Charlestown as well as a politician in St James?

    A:- It is tough but in some ways the two intermingle.  At the end of the day being a lawyer and being a politician is all about the representation of people.  I have to spend long hours at my chambers and often have to come back at nights to work on cases which takes me out of the beloved St James.  I try to balance both because I cannot afford to be out of touch with my constituents.  Ron I can tell you I am so humbled to be given the opportunity to represent ST James at the political level.    St James is very dear to me and I don't see myself living anywhere else.  Just approaching St James after a long day at work is so comforting for me so you can understand. At times I have had to take time off from my law office to concentrate on politics and I imagine with the upcoming elections I would have to take leave again.  My aim to ensure that everybody in St James understands my vision for St James, get feedback on that vision and also get them to buy into that collective vision.

    Q:- People may only know you as Patrice Nisbett, the lawyer or the politician.   Can you tell us something about you that not many people know about Patrice Nisbett the person?
    A:- Well for one I prefer to be simply called by Patrice instead of Mr. Nisbett or the Honourable Patrice Nisbett or any of that formal stuff.  I was born as Patrice and that's the name I would want people to call me.  Apart from that though I love to have a good laugh.  I believe that laughter is always good for the soul even if you are laughing after yourself.  I love to watch cricket and I also love spending time with my son, Patrice Dwight Haniff Nisbett II.  His innocence and playful nature helps me to completely relax and appreciate life even more.
    Q:- Is there anything else that you would like to say before we end this interview?
    A:- Firstly I would like to place on record my thanks to the people of St. James for voting for me in the past and I urge you to place your trust in me in the upcoming elections.  The upcoming election is one of the most important elections in our history. I expect the government to do any and everything to remain in power simply because they love power. If we re-elect the CCM we give them another opportunity to take some of our needs for granted and then only come back around election time and act like they care. The time for change could not have been riper.  The need for change could not have been more urgent.  Change is necessary. Help me to make that change by voting for me, Patrice Nisbett, the NRP candidate for St James. 
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