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Posted: Wednesday 14 July, 2010 at 3:35 PM

TDC Hands Over Crown to Ms. Caribbean Culture Queen Pageant

(Left to Right)Mr. Randy Jeffers, Ms. Keesha Jones, Ms. Hazel Hazel, Mrs. Carleen Pemberton, and Mr. Ernie France
Press Release

    Charlestown, Nevis - In a brief but symbolically-significant ceremony, held on Tuesday July 13th, at the Marcus I. Hodge Building at Pinneys, the TDC Group of Companies, once again, demonstrated its commitment to the development of Culture, Entertainment, and Talent, both locally and regionally, by handing over a glittering, Diamond-studded Rhinestone Crown designed in New York. Said Crown will be worn by the winner of the 2010, Ms. Caribbean Culture Queen. As per the Designer, the crown embodies Dignity, Pride, and Achievement as epitomized by each Contestant.  Put simply, the Crown is “A Touch of Class.”


    Since the Show’s inception in 2006, TDC has been a proud Sponsor of the Event, and according to Mr. Ernie France, Managing Director of the TDC Nevis Ltd., and Ms. Keesha Jones, Manager of FINCO, who presented at the Ceremony, the Company is keen on continuing its partnership into the future.  In accepting the donation, Mr. Randy Jeffers, CEO of the Organizing Committee, spoke highly of TDC’s ongoing involvement and touted that Shows of this nature are made possible because of the support that Companies such as TDC offer.


    The Crown is a new addition to the TDC’s overall sponsorship package to this specific Show and to the annual Culturama Festivities. The original letter requesting the Gift was forwarded to Mr. Michael Morton, Chairman of the TDC Group, who wasted no time in supporting the Committee in this manner.


    The Ms. Caribbean Culture Queen Pageant will be held at the Cultural Complex on Tuesday 27th, and will showcase delegates from Anguilla, Antigua, Dominica, Barbados, St. Kitts, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Marten, St. Croix, and Trinidad & Tobago.


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