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Posted: Tuesday 5 December, 2006 at 9:36 AM
Nevis Island Administration Pr

    (L-R) Mrs Gloria Anslyn receives sponsorship cheque from Mr. Charles Bussue of British American Insurance Company. He is flanked by Mr. Wellington Parris while Mrs Anslyn is flanked by Mr. Spencer Hanley.
    CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (December 04, 2006) -- Senior Citizens on Nevis can look forward to another British American Insurance sponsored Christmas luncheon this year, following a recent donation in excess of EC$10,000 at the Nevis News Cast Studio at Pinneys.


    The Luncheon is scheduled to take place on Tuesday December 12, 2006 at the Methodist Conference Centre from 10am to 2pm with an open invitation for all seniors island wide and from all denominations. Transportation will be provided for those who reside in the rural areas.
    According to the Organisations Treasurer Mr. Spencer Hanley, the event began as an annual tradition 13 years ago but when funds began to dry up five years ago they approached the British American Branch on Nevis headed by Mr. Wellington Parris. He said 2006 was the fifth consecutive year that the Insurance Company had funded the event with a 30 percent increase over the 2005 sponsorship.
    Mr. Hanley explained that over the years, the Christmas Luncheon has become a highlight on the Nevis Branch of the St Kitts and Nevis Red Cross annual calendar. The event brings together seniors for a Christmas lunch, music, a gift from Santa Claus and an opportunity to socialise.
    "The Red Cross has always been here to give assistance to all of those in need, be it times of hurricane or other times, and so we thought it fitting to give to the seniors. The seniors are our forefathers who worked the land, they worked hard and often times we [the public] pretend to cast them aside after they have reached a certain age. ~~Adz:Right~~
    "So the Red Cross thought it wise and best to really come to their aid and show them that we care to give back a little bit to them so they can feel a sense of comfort, they can relieve some of their youth and so 13 years ago the Red Cross began this tradition of providing a Christmas luncheon and to give out a few gifts," he said.
    Response to the event has continued to grow and Mr Hanley said the venue change from the Red Cross Headquarters on Chapel Street to the Methodist Church Conference Centre was to accommodate the increasing numbers.
    Meantime, Mr. Charles Bussue a representative of British American Company in Nevis while he presented the cheque said the company was pleased to sponsor the event because that was one way of showing its gratitude to Nevis for the support it had received from Nevisians over the years.
    Also present was Mrs Gloria Anslyn Director of the Nevis Branch of the St Kitts and Nevis Red Cross and Mr. Wellington Parris head of the British Insurance Company Ltd in Nevis.
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