The cost of unleaded fuel at the pump has increased Monday at Shell Gas Stations, but remain unchanged at the two other suppliers in St. Kitts and Nevis.
Four days after the Ministry of Finance announced a decrease in unleaded fuel at all gas stations on December 1st, the cost of the fuel has gone up
11 cents from $10.34 a gallon to $10.45 cents a gallon at Shell Service Stations.
The Ministry said the unleaded fuel prices at Delta and Texaco Service Stations remain unchanged; $10.36 per gallon at Delta and $10.08 at Texaco.
The change in the cost of unleaded fuel comes with the implementation from December 1st of the "Full Pass Through System" which will result in automatic decreases and increases depending on international market conditions.
At the end of November unleaded gasoline was being sold at EC$10.50 per gallon at all gas stations.