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Posted: Tuesday 7 May, 2013 at 11:54 AM

Youths of Nevis urged to fall in love with all things positive

Junior Minister responsible for Youth in the Nevis Island Administration Hon. Hazel Brandy (file photo)
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By: NIA, Press Release

    NIA CHARLESTOWN Nevis, May 07th, 2013  --  The youth of Nevis have been encouraged by Junior Minister of Youth in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) Hon. Hazel Brandy-Williams, to fall in love with positivity in all forms and forget negative distractions that confronted them.
    The Minister was at the time delivering remarks at a recent rally, staged by the Youth Division of the Department of Social Services in its commemoration of Youth Month 2013 with the theme “Embracing our youth; the future starts now”. The theme for the rally was “Youth it’s time for positive action; let’s forget the negative distraction”.
     “I implore you, all of you, to fall in love with positivity in all forms. Do not be distracted by all the distractions around you. Remain focused; set realistic goals and work assiduously towards realising them; get help as often as you need.
    “Negative distractions are in the past and must remain there. The future belongs to you, so embrace it,” she advised the youths who had just participated in a march through Charlestown.
    Mrs. Hazel Brandy-Williams noted, that the NIA was mindful of the many challenges faced by the youths of today, among them unemployment, crime and violence, peer pressure and human sexuality but was seeking to implement new programmes and activities, that would build resilience and stability among them.
    The Minister further explained that the Administration viewed the holistic development of the island’s youths, as key to the development of Nevis and was, therefore, seeking to prepare them to be well poised for an enhanced future.
    She told the youths she was hopeful that their participation in the rally, signalled their intention to follow the motto selected and had given it careful consideration.
    “The key words ‘Positive’ and ‘Negative’ require your special attention, not just for today but as you go through life. Youth, you must have the conviction and belief that you can achieve your fullest potential.
    “Therefore, let no one or any situation deprive you from accomplishing this goal. It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in; so never let anyone convince you that you cannot be positive, not even yourself,” she said.
    Mrs. Brandy-Williams listed positive action for youth as: saying no to illegal drug use; speaking out against injustices in the society; taking their education seriously; obeying their parents and those in authority; developing a strong sense of patriotism among others.
    She reminded them also of their youthfulness and brilliance and told them they were not expected to travel the journey alone but ratherd partner with the Administration to effect positive change.
    “Young people you know that negativity breeds negativity, so it follows naturally that positive actions would engender positive actions. What I want you to take from this event is that your focus from now on is positivity. You new buzz words should be Positive Actions! Positive Actions!” she said.









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