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Posted: Tuesday 23 July, 2013 at 3:27 PM

Condor, Harris deem Douglas’ resignation demand “foolishness”, “ridiculous”

(L-R) - Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris, the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas and Hon Sam Condor
By: Terresa McCall,

    BASSETERE, St. Kitts – FORMER Deputy Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis now Deputy Leader of the People’s Labour Party (PLP), the Hon. Sam T. Condor has deemed the Prime Minister’s demand for his resignation as a Member of Parliament senseless.


    Following Condor’s and the Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris’ respective resignation and firing from Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas’ Cabinet, regular and frequent calls were made for both men to vacate their Parliamentary seats and allow for a by-elections.

    One of the most-recent calls was made by the Prime Minister on Friday (Jul. 19) at a St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Rally held at Bank Street, where he declared that unless Condor and Harris resign from their seats (St. Christopher Three and Constituency Seven respectively) the Motion of No Confidence would not be tabled.

    Speaking with SKNVibes this morning (Jul. 23), Condor emphasised that the Prime Minister’s call is nothing short of foolishness.

    “That is foolishness… the Prime Minister is trying everything to hold on to power. He will lose the Vote of No Confidence and he will lose the election, so this is just his desperate bid to hold on to power 

    “I will not resign at all, at all! Absolutely not! Never!”

    Harris – who also spoke with this publication – described Douglas’ demands as “ridiculous”.

    “The Prime Minister’s statement is ridiculous and the Prime Minister knows there is no constitutional requirement for our resignation. The Constitution provides clearly for a Motion of No Confidence and for the Motion of No Confidence to succeed and what should follow once it succeeds. Therefore, the Constitution presupposes and accepts that people will be free to vote as Parliamentarians and that Opposition can secure the support as it has. 

    “So it must be ridiculous that someone who is required by the Constitution to resign, would require of someone on whom the Constitution does not put that requirement to resign, to resign. That is ridiculous and that is without basis. I will not resign!”

    The former Senior Minister said Dr. Douglas’ use of their resignation as a condition for the tabling of the Motion of No Confidence is merely “a distraction and a sideshow”.
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