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Posted: Tuesday 20 August, 2013 at 2:04 PM

Visit to the Silver Jubilee Athletic Stadium by HE Ma Ying-Jeou - President of the Republic of China on Taiwan

Press Release

    BASSETERRE, St.Kitts, August 19th 2013 – At approximately 7:15am this morning His Excellency Ma Ying-Jeou and his entourage lead officials from the St. Kitts & Nevis Olympic Committee, the St. Kitts & Nevis Amateur Athletic Association, the Department of Sports and Ministers of Government in a five (5) lap jog around the track at the Silver Jubilee Athletic Stadium. 


    National Coach, Timothy Morton, lead the warm up session before the exercises begun. National Coach Timothy Morton lead the warm up session before the exercises began. His Excellency Ma Ying-Jeou, was accompanied on his jog by members of his entourage, along with Ministers Liburd and Phillip, Permanent Secretary Rattan, SKNOC President Bridgewater, Ambassador Huggins, National athletes from the Pan Am Junior and the CAC Age Group Teams.


    At the end of his jog, His Excellency Ma did a gift exchange with Vice President Lester Hanley of the St. Kitts & Nevis Amateur Athletic Association. Vice President Hanley gave His Excellency Ma a red Team St. Kitts & Nevis Adidas Functional Tee Shirt. His Excellency Ma Ying-Jeou in exchange gave Vice President Hanley a blue Functional Tee Shirt. The shirt from His Excellency Ma read “Friendship Forever” and had two (2) shields representing the flags of St. Kitts and Nevis and the Republic of China on Taiwan.


    His Excellency Ma then gave brief remarks to members of his entourage and took questions from members of the local and travelling media.











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