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Posted: Wednesday 21 August, 2013 at 11:04 AM

Unity Women Continue to P.U.S.H

Cyndie Demming
By: Cyndie Demming, Press Release

    BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, August 20th 2013 - “Alone we can do little; together we can do so much, Helen Keller.”


    United we stand, divided we fall. This adage has been with us for generations. As our democracy weakens and socialism strengthens in this land where peace once abounds UNITY  becomes even more necessary. Only when we unite in spirit, can we truly cope with the challenges we face and we are not short of challenges – no way, not in St Kitts-Nevis  with the minority in authority and the majority in opposition! The Unity Women’s common goal is to entreat our people to unite in the true spirit of the Kittitian and Nevisian people for the benefit of all.


    Though the Unity Women’s group was born out of a need to preserve and protect democracy and encourage good governance, it is also about the holistic woman.  Women in leadership is crucial to ensure the success of projects and programmes aim at empowering the youth especially girls and influencing decision making.  It is for those reason why the women are involved in workshops, seminars and focus groups that include training in  coaching and mentoring women for advancement spiritually, mentally, politically, socially, academically, parenting and community organizing.


    P.U.S.H – Pray Until Something Happens, this is the modus operandi of the Unity Women.  This thought process led them to pray in front of Government Headquarters on Monday 19 August, 2013.  This came sharply on the heels of the conclusion of a motivational session on Volunteerism.  The facilitators Edith Rally and Mavis Huggins presented on youth work, parenting and community activism throughWomen involvement in the development of better communities.


    The women felt that the citizens are too quiet and immediate action must be taken.  “I feel like I am repeatedly raped by a man I do not love …. How much longer must I endure this, the pain is too much?”  “Today Monday 19 August, 2013 is 251 days since the filing of the motion of No Confidence, how much longer we should wait…the time for action is now.”


    “The man is a Dictator, our country is too small to have a Dictator, see what he want a one party state.”  “I am fed up, simply fed up…I want a better life for my children.” “  He has multiple personalities   … he should be in Pschy.”  “I am not going to lie idly by and let my country die and do nothing.”  He is a demon and we need to pray out the demon ….


    Satan get behind me.”  Those are real quotes that were echoed by the Women of Unity.  Those quotes led the women to pray and sing praises to God in front of Government Headquarters.


    God continues to hear the cries of the citizens of St Kitts and Nevis and they are comforted by his words,” Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.


    The walls of St Kitts’ Jericho will come tumbling down as the people of God continue to pray.  No army men with their long rifles,who rushed to Government Headquarters to intimidate the praying women on Monday night, 19 August, 2013 can stop the divine intervention.


    The time for Unity is now! Unity means opportunity for all, justice for all and accountability to all. The Women of Unity pledge to continue to P.U.S.H. and call for nothing less than good governance.












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