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Posted: Thursday 22 August, 2013 at 9:17 PM

Man fights with police to avoid arrest

The Inspector and the Constable trying to get Farara into the squad car while the female (backing camera) who is said to be his sister looks on
By: Stanford Conway,

    PEP participants confront journalist


    BASSETERRE, St. Kitts – AN incident that is rarely seen in St. Kitts and Nevis occurred yesterday afternoon (Aug. 21) between a young man and two policemen in Wigley Avenue and it had attracted the attention of a relatively large curious crowd.

    Being present at the scene, which took place shortly before 6:00 p.m. in proximity of Tony Berry’s Shop, SKNVibes observed when a Police Inspector and a Constable of the Traffic Department had approached a young man on the issue of a traffic violation.

    Also in the company of the policemen were two females of the People Employment Programme (PEP), who this media house learnt are attached to the Police Traffic Department.

    As the officers approached the young man, whose name was given as Clive Farara of Infirmary Road, Basseterre, a scuffle ensured when they tried to get him into a squad car.

    For more than 10 minutes the two officers kept trying to put the powerfully-built Farara in the squad car, but they were unsuccessful even though the Constable had him in a full-nelson wrestling hold and the Inspector pushing him towards the vehicle.

    The Inspector, along with an elderly man and a young woman who is said to be Farara’s sister, kept telling him not to resist being arrested and to peacefully go into the squad car.

    He however failed to heed their advice and kept saying, “I ain’t going in no car. I ain’t do nothing and I want to know what they locking me up for. Tell me what you all locking me up for?”

    Not being able to subdue Farara, the Inspector ordered the two PEP participants to call for back-up.

    One of them complied and a lone Sergeant shortly after arrived on the scene, and together the three officers subdued Farara, put him in the squad car and drove to the police station.

    Meanwhile, prior to the Sergeant’s arrival, this journalist had decided to take a few pictures of the scuffle but was stopped in his tracks by one of the PEP participants, who in a very confrontational attitude shouted, “You can’t take no pictures here.”

    She was subsequently joined by the other one and they both started waving their hands and placing their bodies in front of the camera in an attempt to block this journalist view of the scene.

    This journalist identified himself and his profession and attempted to explain to the two young women what the role of the media is. 

    They however, in a boisterous and very aggressive manner, said they did not care who this journalist was and insisted that he could not take any pictures.

    In response to their attitude and ignorance of the law and the role of the Fourth Estate, this journalist said that he would publish an article based on their behaviour.

    That statement seemed to have further infuriated the two PEP participants, and the shorter of the two shouted, “You want me name too…ah could give it to you now you know.”

    She then came and stood inches away from this journalist in a hostile manner but retreated after the President of the St. Kitts-Nevis Media Association, Clive Bacchus, approached, cautioned her and said, “This man is a journalist and he is doing his job. He has a right to be here and report to the public what has transpired.”

    It was only after Bacchus’ intervention that this journalist was able to take the pictures he wanted.

    Efforts were made this afternoon to contact Assistant Commissioner of Police Ian Queeley to lodge a complaint against the two PEP participants, but they were all in vain.

    Meanwhile, this media house was reliably informed that Farara is facing four charges, including battery on police and resisting arrest.


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