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Posted: Saturday 12 October, 2013 at 5:43 PM

Maude Crosse Preparatory School runner up in Federal Reading Contest

Master Carlon Tuckett of the Maude Crosse Preparatory School placed second in the St. Kitts Nevis Courts Reading Competition in St. Kitts on October 5, 2013
By: NIA, Press Release

    NIA CHARLESTOWN Nevis, October 9th, 2013 – Master Carlon Tuckett, a student of the Maude Crosse Preparatory School was named as the second runner up in the 2013 St. Kitts Nevis Courts Reading Competition. The event was held in St. Kitts on October 7, 2013.


    At a brief ceremony hosted at the Maude Crosse Preparatory School on October 8, 2013, Master Tuckett was acknowledged for his placement in the competition and was commended by students and teachers at the school. He placed second in a group of six other students and received various prizes for his participation and a monetary donation of EC$1000 to the school. 
    At the ceremony, School Administrator at the Preparatory School Ms. Cherry-Ann Walwyn commended Tuckett on this achievement.
    “I’m feeling very honoured to be standing beside a superstar, Carlon Tuckett. He went to St. Kitts to represent Nevis along with another child from the Lyn Jeffers Primary School for the St. Kitts Nevis Courts Competition. He placed second in the competition from six children. 
    “Carlon, as we know is a star in athletics and he has tried the reading competition and he has proven to us that no matter what you put your mind to do, you can achieve if you give it your best,” she stated. 
    The Primary School Teacher congratulated Tuckett for his accomplishment and encouraged other students to read regularly and play less with electronic games.
    “I am pleased and honoured and happy and all the other things I can say and children, I would like to say to you reading is important, put down the PSP’s put down the DSI’s take up a book, because Carlon read and he got all of these gifts and I know that he is feeling proud,” she said.
    Among the prizes Tuckett was a certificate, participation trophy,  second place trophy, an MP3 player, a gift voucher of $175 courtesy of Harpers and EC$1000 for himself as well as EC$1000 for his Primary School.
    The Maude Crosse student participated in the Reading Competition in Nevis and won in his zone which afforded him the opportunity to travel to St. Kitts with one other student of the Lyn Jeffers Primary School to participate in the Federal Reading Competition. 
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