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Posted: Tuesday 18 July, 2023 at 11:50 PM

Spanish and other courses to be offered at the pre-high school level in the new school term; clubs to be re-introduced in schools

Hon. Dr. Geoffrey Hanley
By: (SKNIS), Press Release

    Basseterre, St. Kitts, July 17, 2023 (SKNIS): Minister of Education and Deputy Prime Minister, Honourable Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, has announced additions to the pre-school, and primary school curriculum come this September.


    “Spanish will be taught from September in our pre-schools, and our kindergarten, and also in our primary schools,” Dr. Hanley said at the most recent Prime Minister’s Press Conference with Cabinet Ministers on July 13. “And the aim is to have some of our primary schools— specifically the Irish Town Primary School has already been declared as our primary school of Linguistics.”


    The Irish Town Primary School is where the pilot programme will be initiated because of the many Spanish speakers who attend that school. He mentioned that over time other languages such as French and Mandarin would be explored.


    Additionally, the Minister of Education mentioned that courses in plumbing, nail tech, baking, and cooking will be offered at the primary school level.


    Minister Dr. Hanley said that some new initiatives will be introduced in high schools.


    “Financial Literacy and Customer Service will be offered as a certificate in our high schools,” he said. He also mentioned photography and fashion design.  


    “We are introducing the YOTC. This is our Youth Organizing Training Corps, something similar to the ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) in the US where we are going to be channeling our students in some career path,” Dr. Hanley said.


    He said that once students enroll in the YOTC, they will be exposed to working as an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), police officer, soldier, coast guard officer, and fire officer.


    Honourable Dr. Hanley also said that they are going to be re-introducing discipline in schools through re-activating clubs such as the scouts and cadets. He also announced that the Teacher Supply Shop will be opening in the new school year.






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