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Posted: Thursday 7 September, 2023 at 10:16 PM

Independence 40 Planning Committee proud of the all-encompassing Calendar of Activities

L-R: Dr. Marcus Natta; Ms. Viera Galloway; Host Ian Richards
By: (SKNIS), Press Release

    BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, September 7, 2023 (SKNIS) – Celebratory activities in recognition of the 40th Anniversary of the Independence of St. Kitts and Nevis are heating up, with most of the major events yet to come.
    The Co-Chairs of the Independence 40 Planning Committee, Dr. Marcus Natta and Ms. Viera Galloway were the special guests on the Wednesday, September 06 edition of the radio and television programme, InFocus, where they provided updates on the remaining activities.
    Dr. Natta said during the planning stages for this year’s celebration, the committee made extensive efforts to ensure that there are activities on the calendar of events that every member of society can enjoy or relate to.
    “We really worked hard to ensure that there’s at least one activity that every single person on St. Kitts and Nevis can say ‘Ok, that I’m interested in’. Whether it is Conversations, whether it is the parade, whether it is the drill competition, the street fair, or going over to Nevis for the drag race, there must be something you can find on the calendar to say ‘hey, I’m interested in viewing that or actually going and participating’. So, we really look forward to persons support for these various activities,” Dr. Natta said, noting that they have received tremendous support so far for the activities already held.   
    Dr. Natta noted that it is their hope as well that the activities and celebrations this year for the 40th Independence Anniversary would cause Kittitians and Nevisians at home and abroad to reflect on how far the twin-island Federation has come and to consider the way forward for the nation.
    He said, “We really want people to step back at some point during all of these festivities and just think about your country, where we came from and where you want to see the country go. So, we hope that even in the schools they can do something in the classrooms and ask the young children where do they want to see St. Kitts and Nevis go, what do you want to see us do, how do you want to see us develop, what else should we really be doing? It’s not really just for the prime minister and a Cabinet to figure out these things, the general public needs to inform as well and it can start right down from a primary school student right up to an elderly person.”
    Meanwhile, Ms. Galloway made a special appeal to citizens and the corporate community to show their patriotic side for Independence by dressing up and decorating their homes and establishments in the national colours.
    She said, “I am imploring the general public to support the events and also to get engaged. Let’s show our patriotism. I encourage the businesses to decorate their offices and I encourage even the homeowners to show some sort of pride, even if it’s just a flag in their front yard or something on their door representing our national pride. I really want us to think deeply about that. I don’t think it’s something that we’ve really practised in the past and this year for our 40 years we really want to encourage that.”
    The Independence 40 activities continue on Friday, September 8 with the continuation of Cabinet members' visit to primary schools in the West Zone, National Sneaker Day and National Colours Day #2, featuring the colour Yellow.
    “We would encourage everyone to come out in their yellow. The committee has discussed the possibility of including some prizes for the most creative outfits that we see on these patriotic days. So, I really want the general public to support the committee, support the activities and have a wonderful Independence when it comes,” Ms. Galloway said.







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