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Posted: Friday 12 January, 2024 at 4:30 PM

Hotel Indigo to be constructed in St Kitts and Nevis after 10-year delay

L-R: Tourism Minister Henderson, Prime Minister Dr. Drew, Troy Property Investment Ltd Director Liburd, and Foreign Minister Dr. Douglas turning the sod
By: (SKNIS), Press Release

    Basseterre, St. Kitts, January 12, 2024 (SKNIS): A groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday (January 11, 2024) signalled the culmination of a ten-year journey to introduce the globally renowned Hotel Indigo franchise to St. Kitts and Nevis.


    The sod for the 42-suite luxury boutique hotel to be located at Potato Bay, Frigate Bay, was turned by Khaled Albabtain, Director of Troy Property Investment Ltd. Also participating in the groundbreaking was Prime Minister, the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, Minister of Economic Development and Investment, the Right Honourable Dr. Denzil Douglas, and Minister of Tourism, the Honourable Marsha Henderson.


    Mr. Albabtain said that his team is at “the cusp of an amazing opportunity” ... that will contribute to the socio-economic transformation of the twin-island Federation through tourism.


    “I want to express my gratitude and thanks to Prime Minister Dr. Drew for his leadership, enthusiasm and responsiveness,” he stated. “I would also like to salute you and [your] Cabinet on the recently announced sustainable island state initiative. I hope that this will ensure that St. Kitts and Nevis stands out not only as a vision of a sustainable future but in ensuring the country is resilient and self-sufficient in order to meet the social and economic needs of its citizens.”


    Chairman Albabtain also saluted the efforts of His Excellency Kevin Isaac, St. Kitts and Nevis High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, noting that he had almost given up hope on getting the project started after a decade of delay. He also commended Tourism Minister Henderson, stating that she has “hit the ground running” in this post.


    “It is a pleasure for my investment group and I to play a minor but hopefully an important role in realizing the St. Kitts and Nevis vision. I look forward to having lasting relationships on the island through business development and creating opportunities for employment,” he stated. “Let me assure you prime minister, foreign minister and tourism minister that we are here to stay and we are going to increase our investment moving forward.”


    Prime Minister Dr. Drew wished the project success, adding that the benefits will help to stimulate the local economy and redound to citizens and residents.


    The groundbreaking ceremony was also attended by Governor-General Her Excellency Dame Marcella Liburd, Minister of Agriculture, the Honourable Samal Duggins, and Minister of Sustainable Development, the Honourable Dr. Joyelle Clarke.








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