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Posted: Sunday 17 March, 2024 at 4:40 PM

Nevis will celebrate the bicentennial of the Cottle Church

    CHARLESTOWN, Nevis -- Nevis will celebrate on May 5th, 2024 the bicentennial of the Cottle Church. It was the first church in the Caribbean to allow enslaved and free, blacks and whites, master and enslaved to worship together. Construction began in 1822 and was completed after the sugar cane crop of 1824. It was built by the enslaved of Round Hill Estate then owned by the Cottle family.


    The builders were proud, skilled craftsmanship who hand cut every stone and symmetrically placed them to produce a strong sound structure. Today it’s a monument of our heritage.


    The church was built by proud, spiritually, skilled craftsmen and this year will celebrate two hundred years of existence. Its first service was celebrated 5th May, 1824.


    Even though the church has been worn by long exposure to the atmosphere and been weatherbeaten, damaged by earthquakes, and hurricanes its remaining structure still has an aesthetic appeal. The site remains a serene spiritual sanctuary.


    If one would take but a moment to examine the walls of the church it should bring to light to the pride and precision with which it was built. This is testimony to the profound spirituality our ancestors exhibited as they built believing, praying and preparing for their freedom.


    This spiritual sanctuary has through the years been and still remains a choice location for weddings. The Cottle Church is opened to locals and visitors for tours and viewing.


    Donations are welcomed to assist in the restoration and maintenance of this historical site.


    For further information please Loraine Chaderton Cottle Church 1-869-660-1824.






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