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Posted: Wednesday 23 March, 2005 at 3:55 PM
By: Mutryce A Williams

    By Mutryce A Williams BBA CTM






    I spoke with an art piece or should I say an artist today,


    It was a provoking conversation,


    It was deep, and it was riveting


    It was an experience unlike anything that I have felt in ages


    It was racy, it was quick, it was furious, angry, and turbulent


    It was intoxicating, again RIVETING




    I envisioned his hand as he struck the paintbrush ferociously


    With such anger across the screaming canvas


    I cried tears of joy; it has been eons since I have witnessed such passion


    Since I have witnessed such mercilessness


    The poor canvas, as if going through a tribal initiation,


    The poor canvas, the object of his wrath


    With a stroke of the brush, in a stillness, yet so much action,


    Nothing is constant




    I wonder if anyone else has witnessed this phenomenon


    It is a wonderful work of art


    But of everything, that is what stood out, the trees, those lush green trees


    The brushes, behind the trees, the greenness, the shades


    How could he achieve such intricacies coupled with fury?


    The ins and outs of the lines




    I envisioned the swift movement of the brush


    I felt a deep fury emanating from deep inside


    Had I been this painter what would I have felt?


    Deep within,


    Was this the message the artist wanted to communicate to his audience?


    Why was I so captivated?


    Why did that hit me?




    Why not that robust, rotund lady with the boisterous smile on her face


    Laughing eyes and cackling cheeks


    That lady drunken with happiness


    Why didnt that hit me?


    That painting oh, it made my day


    Such a calming and quiet silence!




    You know what, I would like to talk with the artist, pick his brain


    Get a clear picture of what he was feeling


    Who were his teachers?


    Was it Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Pollack, Picasso or possibly                                         


    Quite possibly Matisse? Or maybe it was just his style!






    There are many art galleries in St. Kitts where one can go and have the experience of a lifetime. Visiting art galleries is one of my favorite pastimes. There are many misconceptions about the arts and artists. People think that art is boring or just a pretty picture to look at. I go to the galleries to have conversations like the one I had with the artist above. Visiting art galleries could be like going to a theme park and enjoying different rides, because our talented artists use different mediums to communicate with us. Art can evoke emotions in us that we never knew existed. Art is thought provoking. Visiting art galleries could be like going to the beach, the paintings or works of art captivates one; they are like whirlwinds whisking one off to a different world. We look at paintings, drawings and sketches and say, Oh that is nice, or remark that the artist has talent but how often do we actually let ourselves be totally taken in? How often do we really study the artwork? How often do we communicate with these pieces? We look at art and criticize, What a waste of canvas and time! We often exclaim, Is that art, there is nothing nice about it! Art doesnt have to be nice. Art doesnt have to be pleasant. Art is self-expression. Art is interpretation. Art is an experience.




    We tend to take art and artists for granted. Art is a part of our everyday lives. Art isnt just paintings, sculptures or pottery. Art is dance. Art is music. Art is unique. Art can be ethnic. Art can be playful. Art can be serious. Art sets the stage for events. Art gives an ambiance. Art is the chairs we sit in, the stoves we cook on, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive and the houses we live in, all started with the drawing board.




    In Kindergarten one does art/drawing as fun activity. Oh, yes kids you need to learn to colour within the lines, stay within the lines! A parent is so disappointed when his/her little one cant follow the simple instructions of colouring between the lines. I have always wondered, but what is wrong with colouring outside the lines with such unbridled passion, to that child it may look better. Art is interpretation.




    One of the first things that kids like to do when they are young is mark on walls, and they are wantonly punished for it because it defaces the place, but parents have you thought of this as a form of self-expression? Parents you could purchase a black board for that child to mark on, install it on the wall. Art teaches patience. Art keeps a child preoccupied. Art teaches the skill of analysis. Art is discipline.




    I have been fortunate in that I was allowed to freely express myself in an artistic manner when I was young and this has fueled my passion for art. I can recall when I was about (14) fourteen, knowing that Christmas was around the corner and that my room was going to get a fresh pan of paint, I took markers and did an African mural/drawing on the four walls of my bedroom. I was going through that black power phase. It didnt dawn on me while I was doing it that I might get a good washing out. When I was finished and I admired my handiwork, I braced myself for what I thought I deserved but I didnt get it. I got a smile instead and the room stayed like that for a while. Every time I looked at it I felt proud. This was my canvas, my space, and my work. This reinforced my self worth. This is one of my fondest childhood memories. When asked what is the one thing you can do and well, I proudly say, draw. The response is a cheeky, Oh, thats special! This isnt the response most people expect, I guess singing, dancing or dramatizing would have been a more appropriate answer. When I was young and asked, What do you want to become? What would be your ideal job? I responded,  I would like to be a cartoonist and work for Disney.  You silly girl, get serious! the individual would usually remark with a cackle behind it. After realizing that I was DEAD serious, an uncomfortable look would come over his/her face. Working for Walt Disney is still my ultimate dream. Art isnt just a hobby. Art is a way of living.




     When one is in school and he or she expresses an interest in becoming an artist. He or she gets stares and is told, Okay it is time to get serious, you could be an artist as well as a doctor or technician, you could dibble dabble on the side. One is asked, Did you ever hear of the term starving artist, there is no money to be had from this profession. When one thinks about choosing art as an elective, one is told that it is a waste of time. Art is the foundation of many great things to come. One thinks that artists just sit around all day and paint with the hope that someone would buy their drawings. This misconception.




    The Prison had an exhibition in the square some days ago, I was in awe at the raw talent that one of the inmates had. He is an exceptionally good artist. He did drawings of the Prime Minister, Governor, former Prime Minister and nature. These drawings were as if he had taken actual pictures with a camera. This guy could have possibly had his own gallery. He could fetch some money for his pieces. St. Kitts have many unexploited treasures.




     In April there was a well-organized Art Exhibition at the Basseterre Senior High School. It was not only breathtaking but it showed that here in St. Kitts we have promise. Young people from the different high schools around the island, who are preparing for their art exams, were given a chance to exhibit their different artwork. The pieces were varied, as well as the media.




     When I was in University there were two Caribbean students who were Art majors. They were from St. Lucia. Other students were in awe at them, as it was thought that they were wasting their time. Why would one want a degree in art? It was thought that the only thing they could do when they returned home was to teach art. This wasnt the case. Other students were in awe that the St. Lucian Government deemed art a priority when they granted scholarships. I thought that it was fabulous; this government was brilliant. Trained artists assist in preserving and promoting ones culture.




    The Department of Culture should be applauded for the National Arts Festival that was held from September 21-30 2002. I think that it was a tremendous success. I am looking forward to the Arts Festival this year. The Visual Arts Exhibition gave aspiring artists like myself a chance to showcase their art. It provided an arena for artists to pick each others brain. It gave artists a chance to bond. It gave the public an opportunity to appreciate our local artists. We are a population of talented and gifted people lets promote them.  We are a population with many untapped treasures. I was asked the other day, How could St. Kitts be promoted as a different Caribbean destination? There are tourists looking for a different experience. There are tourists who love unique cultures and art. St. Kitts could be the art Mecca of the Caribbean.  KEEP THE ARTS ALIVE!


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