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Posted: Wednesday 21 September, 2011 at 2:53 PM
Press Release (SKNIS)

    BASSETERRE St. Kitts, September 21st 2011 (SKNIS) - The roadside from Tabernacle to the outskirts of Harris will be sporting new greenery from today, thanks to the efforts of Environment on Line (ENO).
    ENO is stimulating the Federation’s return to its former green glory, by the planting of over 194 trees, in this instance.  This however, is not a solitary mission, in that ENO is a worldwide operation that takes place in 155 countries during the months of May and September each year.   The local planting will take place under the theme “Peace in Green,” which carries over from the May exercise.
    This UNESCO initiative is being spearheaded by Mrs. Jaqueline Christopher, Community Development Officer, who revealed to the St. Kitts and Nevis Information Service that a wide variety of saplings are being planted, including fruit trees, ornamentals and wood-harvesting trees.  She said they included soursop, local cherry, guava, morocco, almond, local blackberry and cedar trees.
    Mrs. Christopher explained that since ENO began operation in St. Kitts in May 2010, the Department of Agriculture has been a constant collaborator by providing the young plants for the greening exercise.  She revealed that while Agriculture is donating all of the plants on this occasion, the various schools around the islands have been very enthusiastic about the tree planting, particularly the Verchilds High School.  Mrs. Christopher revealed that at her last visit to the school, both the soursop and spice guava trees, planted in May 2010, were bearing fruit.
    For the September 21 endeavour, the participating schools are the Edgar T. Morris Primary in Tabernacle, the Tucker-Clarke Primary in New Town and the Saddler’s Primary School.  Students of the Edgar T. Morris Primary will be assisting ENO volunteers in the roadside planting of trees from Tabernacle to the outskirts of Harris.’  Tucker-Clarke will plant approximately 25 ornamental plants on their school premises will Saddlers Primary will do the same with three fruit trees.
    ENO volunteers have previously undertaken roadside planting from Cayon to Christchurch and Christchurch to Tabernacle.


















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