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Posted: Tuesday 22 November, 2011 at 2:48 PM
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Press Release

    BRADES, Montserrat, November 22nd, 2011 – The Physical Planning Unit has launched an art competition to get students thinking about what Montserrat will be like in years to come.


    As part of its public consultation on the Draft Physical Development Plan, which ends on 22nd December, the art competition is being extended to primary school students in grades four, five and six and all secondary school pupils.


    Primary school students in Grades 4, 5 and 6 must draw a picture depicting “What will Montserrat look like in 2022?” Secondary school students must submit a picture on the theme “How can Montserrat develop sustainably to 2022?”


    Entries must be hand drawn or painted on 8.5 x 11 inch paper using any materials available. The deadline for entries is 4pm on Friday 9th December and they must be submitted to the Physical Planning Unit office in Brades. Each entry must have the candidate’s name, school and grade/form number written clearly on the back.


    The first place prize for each of the two categories are of the value of EC$ 350 and the two winning pictures will be included in the Final PDP, the document that will be the government planning framework until 2022.


    The runners up for each category will receive an EC$ 150 value prize. Prizes are donated by the consultants IMC Worldwide Ltd who are assisting the PPU with the PDP 2012-2022 project.


    The main themes running through the PDP and to be considered for the picture competition include:


    ·         planning for future growth


    ·         avoiding badly planned settlements which compromise future opportunities


    ·         avoiding or minimising negative impacts on the environment and biodiversity


    ·         community and social inclusion


    ·         equal opportunities and access to services and recreation


    ·         agriculture, food security and meeting Montserrat’s food production targets


    ·         creating opportunities for economic growth


    ·         minimising the risk to natural hazards such as the volcano, hurricanes and flooding


    ·         low carbon development, improving air quality and minimising climate change


    The draft Physical Development Plan can be seen at the Montserrat Public Library, at the PPU office in Brades and online at Comments can be submitted online or at the library and the LIME office in Sweeney’s.












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