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Posted: Wednesday 13 November, 2013 at 12:28 PM

Labour is not standing down says candidate Konris Maynard

Labour Party Candidate Konris Maynard (extreme right) addressing supercharged party members at Abbott’s Housing Development
Press Release

    BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (November 13, 2013) -- The St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party candidate for West Basseterre, St. Christopher Three, Mr Konris Maynard has said that his party of 81 years will not stand down as it is not a movement of 81 days.


    Mr Maynard made the remarks on Saturday November 9, to a large gathering of supercharged party supporters at the Abbotts Housing Development’s green pasture at the end of a successful motorcade that had started earlier in the afternoon at the Patsy Allers playfield, and snaked its way through the various villages in the constituency.
    “Labour has been good,” said Mr Maynard to wild cheers from a sea of people bedecked in party colours and waving placards. “Over the years, number one in housing; over 4,000 houses Labour has built for the people of this Federation. In the OECS we are number one in almost every sector; in manufacturing, in the economy, in skills training, in foreign direct investment, in tourism... is Labour do that.
    “So let them know and let them hear it loudly that we are not standing down, this is a movement of 81 years not a game show for 81 days. Let them know what they have is what they call ‘sham’. It is not real, it will fizzle out, it will go down.”
    The motorcade with hundreds of people some in private cars and others in public buses, made its way through Haynes Smith, Fortlands, Trafalgar, St. Johnston Ave, Russell Village, Cardin Avenue, Buckleys Site, La Guerite, St. Johnston Village, Lime Kiln, Buckleys Estate, Shadwell Estate, Cayon Street, Bay View, Camps Estate, Ocean View, Ocean Gardens, West Farm, Boyds Village, Palmetto Point, and ended on the green pasture at Abbotts Housing Development.
    Along the route the motorcade was wildly cheered by excited residents most of who stood by the landings of their homes, and others on the road side, all waving and shouting slogans of encouragement, while others took still and video pictures using their phones or tablets. A traffic police car led the procession.
    At the Abbots Housing Development the swelling crowd was addressed by the Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon Earl Asim Martin who was the master of ceremony and who welcomed Mr Konris Maynard. Also addressing the crowd was Dr Vance Gilbert, Labour’s Candidate for Constituency Seven. Present also was Dr Terrence Drew, Labour’s Candidate for Constituency Eight. 
    In his welcoming remarks, the Hon Dr Earl Asim Martin informed the crowd that on a recent trip to North America, which included himself, Mr Maynard and Dr Drew, that they were well received by Kittitians and Nevisians in Toronto and New York, people who were meeting the two candidates in that capacity for the first time.
    “We want to say thanks to the people of Constituency Three for the support they have given to the St. Kitts Nevis Labour Party over the last 18 years when we are in government,” said the Deputy Prime Minister. “We look forward to your continued support with this new representative who has come on board. 
    “I can assure you that you have good representation now. I have seen good representation in Konris Maynard for the short time he been around the people, discussing with us and I want to thank you all the people who have come out this afternoon and will continue to rally with Konris Maynard.”
    Candidate Maynard thanked the Young Labour for having organised the highly successful motorcade. He asked the crowd to give them (Young Labour) a round of applause as a few months back the movement was dead, but now it is vibrant and that they were proud and excited to be Labour in a constituency where they thought Labour in the morning and when they go to sleep as well because Labour had been good.
    “This is a good time for Labour, Spring Time in Labour,” said Mr Konris Maynard. “In other times we would be in winter time, now we are in spring time. In Number Seven we have Dr Vance Gilbert. In Number Eight we have Dr Terrence Drew, and now in Number Three, yours truly Konris Maynard. But this does not stop here.... 
    “If you know somebody who has not registered, if you know somebody who did not vote last time, I am appealing now, take them for registration, get them registered, get them out to vote for Labour, because Labour is good....”, and the crowd roared back, “all the time!”
    Candidate Maynard explained to the crowd, which had some persons carrying placards reading that the Motion of no Confidence was dead, that it was indeed dead as the reasons for which it had been filed were not relevant. 
    He noted that the country’s debt had been cut in half; that St. Kitts and Nevis has the number one economy in the OECS; while the Nevis Island Administration led by a party affiliated to the Unity Party had embraced the Lands for Debt Swap deal.
    “When you see them in town, tell them the motion is dead, because I can’t hear the two fellows, the fellow comrades for the whole week because they said that was the reason (Land for Debt Swap) that they that moved out of the fold of Labour,” concluded Mr Maynard.

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