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Posted: Monday 2 February, 2015 at 3:57 PM

Team UNITY Stages “Mother of All Rallies” in Charlestown, Nevis

Delly Ranks performs
By: Team Unity Secretariat, Press Release

    VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS: Team UNITY-Treaty of National UNITY Signing and Rally


    Charlestown, Nevis (TUCOM-February 2nd 2015):-The streets of Charlestown, Nevis erupted to the resounding Rally cry of “God is on our side…It’s TIME.”This was the dominant  theme of the “Mother of all Rallies” held for Team Unity constituents on January 31, 2015. Attended by some 4000 supporters, the energy on the streets was palpable! The Master of Ceremony, Mr Colin Tyrell lustily shouted to the crowd of citizens, “I see orange, I see blue, I see yellow, and I see white; Unity is Strength!” Citizens of our twin islands, poised to embrace and claim the change we crave, answered the promise! “This is a brand new day in our Federation,” shouted Tyrell, to the roaring response from the crowd, “Unity, Unity, Unity!” 
    An electrifying bolt of energy went through the crowd as the candidates were announced and the crowds chanted wildly, “Unity, Unity, Unity!”  The MC continued, “This is the first time that we have had all Unity candidates on the stage together,” as the frenzied crowd continued to chant, “Unity, Unity, Unity!”
    Candidate of Constituency #6, Vernon Connor took the stage to a rousing cry, Familyyyyyyyyyyy! The crowd responded, with equal fervor, as Mr. Connor appealed to his constituency to “send the message loud and clear that Unity is here…..! “A new day is forming in St. Kitts and Nevis. They said it could not work, but look where we are now!” said the candidate.  “Citing Dr. Douglas’ claim of being “10 man in one,” Connor maintained, “it’s not natural.” He urged the crowd to pray for all Team Unity candidates as they fight for the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.  He declared,  “Unity is on the move; Team Unity is marching on; let’s keep marching on ‘cause the victory is ours!”
    Candidate for Constituency #2, Jonel Powell took the stage to cries of exuberance from the crowd.  “You are a part of a historical moment,” he bellowed as the crowd answered each lusty cry with increasing passion and zeal.  “Understand that the dream is Country above self,” he charged the people.  “Two islands, one federation! For too long St. Kitts and Nevis has been under a dark cloud!Support the PAM party, our Country is at stake, our democracy is at stake!” 
    As Constituency # 1Candidate, “Patches” Liburd ascended to the podium to cries of “Unity” he spoke of the historic signing of the Treaty of National Unity.  “I have a dream, he continued, referencing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that come February 17th 2015, there’ll be a new government in St. Kitts and Nevis! No more 10 man in one in government; the oath of office will be taken by the Honourable Dr. Tim Harris,” “Better days are coming on February 17th 2015,” he shouted to the chanting , frenzied crowd,.“Together we will rebuild this Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis!”
    Alexis Jeffers, candidate for Constituency #11, took the podium, touting the message, “Unity, a marriage of everybody.”  Comparing Prime Minister Douglas to a broken down old car, he made the comparison, “Douggie is a car that is broken down, and what do we do with an old car that is broken down? We’re going to push it out the way!”  He charged the people, who responded with vehemence and ferocity, "This is our chance to rescue our Country from Douggie!”
    “See what the Lord has done for us, praise his holy name! This is our chance to rescue this great Nation!” began the passionate rendition of the Rally cry made by Constituency #8 candidate, the Honourable Eugene Hamilton.  Mr Hamilton echoed the sentiments of earlier speakers who noted that Team Unity had “ come together to put Country above self”.
    The message of the Honourable Sam Condor, Candidate for Constituency # 3 was simple and to the point!  “We have no boundaries ‘cause all are we a one!” he began his discourse to the deafening and exuberant roar from the crowd, He resorted to colloquial speech, as did many of the other candidates, to drive home the point to his people. “On January 31, 2015, the people of St. Kitts and Nevis wrote their own constitution!” he continued.  “People all over the world will want to do like us! We must be proud, putting our differences behind us and looking beyond!,celebrating the birth of a brand new Nnation! We gather as one people under God!”
    “Today, we’re part of history! We’re on this platform because we’re fighting for each of you! We’ve put all our differences aside!” began the Honourable Lindsay Grant, Candidate for Constituency #4. He thanked the St. Kitts contingent for coming to Nevis to witness this momentous occasion. “This Unity team is here because you asked for it and we’re here to give it to you!” 
    “Douglas and his band of vagabonds tried to steal the victory but they got caught!” began the charge from the Honourable Vance Amory, Premier of Nevis, representing the Concerned Citizens Movement.  Premier  Amory’s speech was heralded as gospel by the fired -up crowd, amid cries and chants of “Unity, Unity, Unity!” Mr. Amory outlined the stellar accomplishments of the CCM party, assuring the crowd that “CCM will do even more under Unity!” “With Team Unity supporting the efforts of CCM, we’re going to make it happen,” he said.  “Douglas came to power touting law and order but he himself became lawless!My conviction is that God is on our side. With God on our side we can’t go wrong!” “Young people, you are our priority,” he assured the youth population that was gathered there, staunchly representing and supporting the values of Team Unity.
    He noted that the young people had come out to the Rally in strong numbers, despite threats of bodily harm that some have reported and sanctions that hampered their economic and educational progress.  “We’re tired of crime and violence,” Premieir. Amory continued,. We called on the leaders to do something and they’ve done nothing!”  PremierAmory went on to describe the stifled development plans that the people of Nevis have been subjected to.  His summation was, “Let’s call a spade a spade, but God is always on the side of right and we’re on the side of right!”
    The Honourable Shawn Richards, Constituency #5 candidate, heralded by roars and shouts from the people, called for an end to victimization of our people.  He assured the crowd, “Team Unity wants to put an end to all that, everyone will get their fair share.Nevis will get their fair share.  We say PAM, CCM and PLP, but we’re all familyyyyyyyy!”.
    As the Honourable  Dr. Timothy Harris, candidate for Constituency #7 and the next Prime Minister of the great nation of St. Kitts and Nevis took the stage, the chanting crowd had reached a deafening crescendo and they erupted with even more vehement cries of “Unity, Unity, Unity!” Dr. Harris’ heartfelt message to the people was well received, judging from the cries that emanated throughout the gathering.  “Our Federation is stagnating;  there aren’t enough jobs and opportunities. We must come together for a better quality of life,” he declared. Always stand for justice. I’ll do my very best to ensure that I give my all to you,” was his passionate plea.  
    Dr Harris added that “Douglas tried to hijack democracy on January 16, 2015.  Douglas has hijacked democracy and raped our Parliament! February 16th will be our freedom day.” Dr. Harris touted the message of a “fair share” for all Kittitians and Nevisians. He stated “I came to serve, to take Team Unity government forward.  I will serve you faithfully, as a leader you can trust! Two islands, one Federation!”

    The evening culminated with much fanfare as the crowd welcomed to the podium Deputy Premier of Nevis, The Honourable Mark Brantley, who provided  an apt summation of the Rally’s energy and pulse as he emphasized “the power is in your hands!”

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