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Posted: Wednesday 25 February, 2015 at 12:52 PM

Residents Express High Hopes for New Government of National Unity

SKNIS Photo 1 and 2: Two of the residents who spoke to SKNIS
By: SKNIS, Press Release

    Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 24, 2015 (SKNIS): The citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis made it clear that they have high expectations of the new government and the cabinet of ministers, judging from interviews conducted by SKNIS, at the recent Swearing-In Ceremony.


    One common thought was shared among interviewees concerning the Prosperity For All Agenda.
    The "prosperity for all" agenda is going to be good for everybody,” one spectator said. “My thing is, as long as they do what they promised us that they will do...I think everything will work out just good.”
    “I hope that they will do the best for everyone in this Federation,” said another. “Everybody should be benefiting. None should be benefiting more than the other.”
    Others shared their desire for an improved country.
    “I hope that we can train our people to meet the challenges of the 21st century,” stated an onlooker. “We have youths who need to be trained; we have a nation that needs to be healed and I believe with these esteemed gentlemen...they will be able to bring the healing that we need to this nation, make it a great, high income country where we all can benefit.
    ...We have so many people here that have small businesses; we have a lot of people who are very enterprising, very talented with so many skills. So, one of the things that I would like to see is opportunities made available for our enterprising people here.”
    “I expect them to take care of everybody, the left side, the right side and even the centre,” stated one man in the crowd.
    “I hope that they will be as fair as they said that they will be and I do expect that they are going to be wonderful.”
    During remarks at the Swearing-In Ceremony, Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris promised that his Government of National Unity “will be different, will be better and we will work to be the best government for all the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.”
    The Prime Minister said the development of the "Prosperity For All" Agenda was shaped primarily from the many interactions with residents from all walks of life.
    “It has always been about you,” he emphasized. “Your needs, your wants, your dreams and how as a government we will not be a stumbling block to the legitimate expectations of our people but we will help to unleash your dreams, your imagination, your vision because it is from your dreams, your vision, your imagination that the greatness of our country can be built and constructed with the help of God.”
    The ceremony took place on Sunday, February 22, 2015.

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