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Posted: Monday 11 July, 2016 at 8:08 AM
By: Stachio Williams, SKNVibes

    Basseterre, St. Kitts, July 08, 2016 -- Greetings, my name is Stachio Williams, owner and founder of the popular SKNVibes news and media website and today I would like to make an important announcement.


    As an online media platform that is heavily supported by modern technology it is necessary to make regular software upgrades as well as vital content updates that are guided by current market trends and public sentiment.


    It’s also important to note that in this local market, there are three distinct voices that must be heard and respected.  All three voices, for all intents and purposes represents “we the people”.  


    First there’s the voice of the Government, with its communications apparatus including SKNIS, ZIZ,, Office of the Press Secretary, and it’s friends, such as TimesCaribbean — with a clear agenda to portray good governance.


    Second, there is the voice of the Opposition, and it’s media friendly outlets and programs — with a clear agenda to provide an opposing voice and perspective to the acting government. 


    And thirdly there is the role of mainstream media -- as the 4th estate, that represents the true voice of the people by remaining unbiased — with a clear agenda to give the common man a voice - that is clear, amplified, and respected.


    SKNVibes, from its inception some 14 years ago, has been established as mainstream media in the federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. Holding true to our media mandate and principles as being part of the fourth estate in our society, we have embarked upon a series of new and innovative initiatives that will enhance the delivery and quality of news, commentary and related content in a very impactful and elevated manner.


    Beginning September 1, 2016, you will see the first of a three phase rolled out. These would include and enhanced SKNVibes mobile app, SKNVibes Social Media pages, and an updated SKNVibes online Interface. The upcoming enhancements will feature content upgrades to include five new sections.  


    First, will be an interactive interface called Promises Kept. This will be a user-controlled and accessible checklist that can be used to measure our government’s progress in meeting its 193 promises made as outlined in their party manifesto upon which they were elected.  Additional fact checking will be applied against assertions and/or claims made towards the Opposition under Promises Kept.


    Second, a section labeled John 8:32. This is a ‘fact check’ of all assertions and allegations made by the current Opposition.  In this section, spoken and written comments made by the Opposition will be assigned to the SKNVibes News staff and the public at large, and a resulting ‘truth score’ will be assigned to the stated assertions and allegations based on our findings.


    Third, Daily Dose which is a video message that is either produced by SKNVibes, or selected from credible online sources, that contains powerful and transformational messages to elevate our minds and consciousness.


    Fourth, our cartoonist will be joined with other cartoonists from the around the region to humorously highlight local issues be it government, opposition or matters of public interest under a new section called Reflections 


    The fifth addition to the SKNVibes experience will be a section called Spotlight, where public opinion polls related to government, opposition, and national discussions will provide a true snapshot of public sentiment.


    Aside from these five new sections, the SKNVibes content will be enhanced with hard hitting and insightful articles that feature candid point of view from prominent local stakeholders.  


    You can look forward to interviews with Marcella Liburd, Dwyer Astaphan, Duncan Wattley, Damion Hobson, Mark Brantley among others.  Nothing is off limits during these interviews.


    Propaganda will always exist - the art of influencing how a person thinks, feels and acts.  Our goal as a media house is to amplify and balance the peoples voice — the common working man and woman, to gain increased respect and to hold accountability to the two other prominent voices within our Federation.


    To our valued sponsors and advertisers, past and present,  these changes represent substantial value, and increased avenues of connecting your offers to the largest viewership in the Federation.  


    To you, our valued readers and viewers, these changes will empower you and offer you a point of view that holds to your best interests.


    Thank you for your time, we are truly excited to make these important upgrades. We are indeed happy to have your support and we look forward to taking this journey together.








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